The dominant theme of our department's research revolves around:

  • Photosynthesis
  • Biological membranes
  • Amphotericin B

Photosynthesis is the process that drives life on our planet by converting the energy of sunlight to a biologically accessible form trapped in chemical bonds. Despite photosynthesis being such a common process it is intrinsically fascinating and involves many processes, with some still not fully explained. This includes photoprotective mechanisms that safeguard the photosynthetic apparatus from photo-oxidative damage that can result from light stress. Our research in the area of photosynthesis is directed to unveiling some of the molecular mechanisms that are responsible for regulating and protecting plants from light stress and overexcitation.

Biological membranes play an important role in the proper function of any organism. This is why we put great emphasis to keep all our experiments connected to the biological setting in which they take place. Thanks to the use of multiple model systems we can study many phenomena in an environment that closely resembles the cell membrane.

Amphotericin B is an antifungal antibiotic that despite being very effective causes severe toxic side effects. Our goal is to shine a light on the molecular mechanisms responsible for its toxicity. To achieve this goal we combined our experience in the fields of molecular microscopy, molecular imaging, and lipid membrane models.

Our Team is consists of seven permanent senior researchers and a significant number of scientists involved in our projects. We are forever proud of our creative and persistent approach to our studies that we fortify with a good-willed and friendly work atmosphere.

We are more than happy to welcome any guests researchers, answer questions and collaborate.