Andrzej Pelc was graduated in 1997 (nuclear physics). In 2000 he received PhD (molecular physic - gaseous clusters) and finally in 2013 the DSc degree (habilitation, molecular physics) – all degrees from the Maria Curie-Skodowska University. He spent also more than 1,5 year as a postdoc at the University of Innsbruck.
Presently his scientific activity is connected to the usage of mass spectrometry in studies of molecules - mostly organic compounds. He is interested in the low energy electron interaction with the molecules discovered in the space, which also play a role in the chemical evolution of the Universe. Second domain of his activity is stable isotope analysis of environmental and geological samples. Such studies provide e.g. information on the origin of the sample as well as about the processes that the sample was subjected to.
In private life he likes job in his small garden (especially if wife asked...), physical activity (biking, swimming and skiing), photography and also has other hobbies as well.
Andrzej is married and has two sons.